Web Cartography Portfolio

by Devin Bartley

Road Trip Map

My Roadtrip Diary Map

This map is a spatial diary of various routes over land that I have travelled by car and bus. These road trips provide a good glimpse into my personal background and experiences that have shaped me over the course of my life. The map was created using LeafletJS and allows for the user to isolate particular periods of time using a time slider. Additional information about particular trips is shown when the user moves their mouse over a particular trip. To collect the data, I compiled all the trips into a spreadsheet and then modified a script created by Winston Hearn that parsed the trip information into a NodeJS script that sent the origin and destination info to the Google Directions API. The data was then decoded into from the Google Directions API output format to GeoJson for display on the map.

Kentucky Unemployment Map

Map of Unemployment Rates in Kentucky

This is a LeafletJS based web map showing unemployment rates in Kentucky between 2000-2013. It incorporates a number of dynamic interactions that were created in JavaScript and allow for the user to explore the data by county as well as at a state level by time period. By dragging the time slider the user is able to see how unemployment rates have changed over time.

Power Plant Map

Map of Zero Emission Power Plants in the United States

This is a LeafletJS based web map with interactive features created in JavaScript. The map was created by converting the spreadsheet of power generation capacity values to proportional symbols. In JavaScript I then created a spotlight filter with a 500 km radius that appears when the user clicks on the map. The filter also summarizes information about total power generation capacities visible within the spotlight extent. Additional interactive features created using Javascript include the legend that allows for layers to be turned on and off, and the ability to click on any power plant and get more information about it. The code I used to create this map is viewable in this GitHub repository.

Brewery Map

Map of Breweries in North America

This map started with a spreadsheet of XY locations for breweries downloaded from the POI Factory. The data is displayed as a hexbin heat map created in QGIS by using a spatial join method. This is a great demonstration of how hexbins can create a visually appealing heat map highlighting phenomenon such as brewing industry hotspots around the country.

Cancer Rate Map

Map of Cancer Rates by County in the United States

This web map was created in CartoDB by joining cancer profiles tables to US Census Bureau Tiger line work. The map showcases custom labels and color schemes created using CSS and HTML within the CartoDB framework. The map interactivity allows the user to investigate cancer rates for all counties in the country, and the counties with the highest and lowest rates are clearly labelled. Using SQL, I reprojected the map to the Albers Equal Area projection to escape the ubiquitous Web Mercator projection.


Map of The Pacific Crest Trail - Displayed on Landforms of the United States by Erwin Raisz

This map was created by georeferencing the iconic Landforms of the United States by Erwin Raisz in QGIS, and then overlaying Pacific Crest Trail Linework from the US Forest Service on top. I used Didot typeface for the map and highlighted the states that the trail passes through in a shade of green that matches the official Pacific Crest Trail logo.